新聞錦集:BBC Sherlock攻陷大和民族啦!

本標題收錄一切跟BBC Sherlock、Benedict Cumberbatch、Martin Freeman等等我認為相關的新聞,大部分來自國外新聞,經燕鷗弱弱的翻譯和嘴賤註釋後的產物。

1.BBC Sherlock居然也要推出漫畫版了!
2.哈比人第二集重新命名:The Desolation of Smaug

1.BBC Sherlock居然也要推出漫畫版了!

首先是看到腐男子放出消息:[BBC Sherlock即將改編成日漫]

話說這畫風...實在也挺帶感的,上色方式很是我的菜!只是那嘴巴...我其實偏好保守一點的五官,btw說好的cheekbone呢? (圖片來源:manganewsjapon)

聽說會在下期的(10/4出版)Kadokawa's Young Ace magazine首度連載Study in Pink,感覺兩個角色的還原度都很高,作畫者Jay.目前還是個謎樣的存在,漫畫汲取不多的我更猜不出來她是誰,不管如何,HW的愛灑滿天只是時間長短的問題!

2.哈比人第二集重新命名:The Desolation of Smaug



第二集The Desolation of Smaug將會在2013年12月13號上映,剛好填補了等待Sherlock第三季的空缺啊...Dan Fellman表示二三集只會有一小段間隔,除了不想讓影迷等太久外,也剛好可以搶占2014年的夏季大片。
(“We wanted to have a shorter gap between the second and third films," Warner Bros. president of domestic distribution Dan Fellman said in a statement. "Opening in July affords us not only the perfect summer tentpole, but fans will have less time to wait for the finale of this epic adventure.")


Anne Richardson曾經和Cumberbatchweb分享過這個小祕密,她的說法如下:

"I think my eye might open at the end of the first film and then you’ll get the rest of me in the second."





"Jonny asked me if I was all right with him doing it," Cumberbatch recalls. "I said, 'What are the similarities?' And he went, 'Well it’s modern...' I went, 'Oh.' Then he said, 'Lucy Liu’s going to play Joan Watson...' And I went, 'Oh.'"

"I did say [to Jonny], 'Well, I’d prefer you didn’t do it but you’ve got a kid to feed, a nice house in LA and a wife to keep in good clothes.' When you get used to a certain standard of living and they waft a paycheck at you, what are you going to do?" Cumberbatch says.

但BC本人似乎對他的說法被曲解感到很困惑,也許在國外引發了一場論戰,所以這位英國紳士發了聲明稿給The Hollywood Reporter,以下節錄:

"I am both bemused and upset at this misquote. I never said that Johnny took the job for the paycheck nor did I ask him not to do it. What I said is I would have preferred not to be in the situation where we will again be compared because we are friends. I know for a fact his motivations were to do with the quality of the script and the challenges of this exceptional role.


"It is baffling because I have only been supportive of an incredibly talented actor who I am proud to call a friend taking a job I know he is going to enjoy immensely and be wonderful in.


"Over 70 actors have played this exceptional character before us. To say that there can be only one Holmes would be ludicrous. We're both thrilled to get the opportunity to play him in a modern context. The world of Sherlock Holmes and the world that we live in now is big enough to take more than one interpretation. As a genuine Sherlock Holmes fan I am greatly looking forward to his series."



BTW,我很喜歡在Scoop it編輯這篇新聞的作者的論點,也許一時的煽動言論可以增加點閱率,可同時也失了演員與平台間的誠信,如果因此而扭曲報導的話,無論是對誰都沒好處。


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